Friday, October 17, 2014

Carbs are believed to enhance the body's blood sugar levels after digested in the stomach. Pasta as a source of carbohydrates it can cause the opposite effect when consumed in a cold state. 

When digested in the stomach source of carbohydrates such as pasta, potatoes, and bread will be absorbed as simple sugars. It can increase blood sugar and as a response of the body to produce the hormone insulin to balance. 

The increase in high blood glucose, followed by a drastic reduction would result in people quickly feel hungry after eating. If you want to avoid the dangers of consumption of sweet foods and carbohydrate-rich diet experts recommend the consumption of high-fiber foods that increase sugar levels gradually. 

But, what if people can change the content of the pasta and potatoes into something that works like fiber? Each answered program Trust Me I'm a Doctor, Dr. Denise Robertson, a senior nutrition scientist at the University of Surrey conducting experiments in Positano Italian restaurant is in Guildford, England. 

As reported by the BBC (10/17/2014) this could have occurred due to changes in the structure of the pasta become "resistant starch" which occurs when the pasta is cooked and cooled. Called "resistant starch" because when cooled, the carbohydrate content in the paste will be against enzymes in the stomach outlining carbohydrates and increase the sugar content. 

'Normal' starch 'that exists in the pasta and bread instantly broken down into sugars, if not burned it will turn into fat. While resistant starch, when digested some glucose chains are not broken down in the small intestine. 

If the pasta is eaten when it is cold, your body will memperlakukannnya as fiber. Glucose level will rise slowly and help good bacteria in the stomach. The body will absorb more calories

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